Looking for Something?

Z Herbert's dune
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Looking for something? (Hľadáte niečo) bola prvá poviedka a zároveň literárny debut Franka Herberta. Vyšla v apríli 1952 v časopise Startling Stories. Poviedka neskôr vyšla vo viacerých zbierkach jeho poviedok: The Book of Frank Herbert a The Best of Frank Herbert.

Obal časopisu Startling Stories z apríla 1952

Poviedky a non-fiction články Franka Herberta
Looking for Something? (1952) | Operation Syndrome (1954) | The Gone Dogs (1954) | Rat Race (1955) | Occupation Force (1955)
The Nothing (1956) | Cease Fire (1958) | Old Rambling House (1958) | A Matter of Traces (1958) | Missing Link (1959)
Operation Haystack (1959) | Haiku (1960) | Eggs and Ashes (1960) | A-W-F Unlimited (1961) | Mating Call (1961) | Try to Remember (1961)
Mindfield! (1962) | The Tactful Saboteur (1964) | The Mary Celeste Move (1964) | Greenslaves (1965) | Committee of the Whole (1965)
The GM Effect (1965) | The Primitives (1966) | Escape Felicity (1966) | By the Book (1966) | The Featherbedders (1967)| The Mind Bomb (1969)
Seed Stock (1970) | Murder Will In (1970) | Come to the Party (1978) | Song of a Sentient Flute (1979)
Zbierky poviedok - The Book of Frank Herbert (1973, 1981) | The Best of Frank Herbert (1975)
Non-fiction - Survival of the cunning (1945) | The Jonah and the Jap (1946) | Yellow Fire (1947)