Songs of Muad´Dib: The Poetry of Frank Herbert

Z Herbert's dune
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Songs of Muad´Dib: The Poetry of Frank Herbert obsahuje mnoho dovtedy nepublikovanej poézie Franka Herberta. Editoval Brian Herbert.


Songsofmuaddibthepoetryoffrankherbert ace5 1992.jpg
  • Názov: Songs of Muad´Dib: The Poetry of Frank Herbert
  • Vydanie: 5/1992
  • Formát: paperback
  • Vydavateľ: Ace Publishing (Berkley Publishing Group), Ace trade paperback edition
  • Obálka:
  • Jazyk: anglicky
  • Počet strán: 111
  • ISBN-10/13: 0-441-77427-X/978-0441774272
  • Kúpiť:

Bibliografia Franka Herberta
Epos o planéte Duna - Duna (1963) | Spasiteľ Duny (1969) | Deti Duny (1976) | Božský imperátor Duny (1981) | Kacíri Duny (1984) | Kapitula: Duna (1985)
Cyklus Pandora - Vyslanci do prázdna (1966, 1978) | Kristova epizóda (1979) | Lazarov efekt (1983) | Faktor nanebovzatia (1988)
Sci-fi - The Dragon in the Sea (1955) | The Green Brain (1966) | The Eyes of Heisenberg (1966) | The Heaven Makers (1967) | Bariéra Santaroga (1967/68)
Mučená hviezda (1970) | The Worlds of Frank Herbert (1970) | Stvoritelia boha (1972) | Hellstrom´s Hive (1973) | The Book of Frank Herbert (1973, 1984)
The Best of Frank Herbert (1975) | Experiment Dosada (1977) | Direct Descent (1980) | The Priests of Psi (1980) | Nebula Winners 15 (1981, ed.)
The White Plague (1982) | Eye (1985) | Man of Two Worlds (1986) | The Notebooks of Frank Herbert´s Dune (1988)
Songs of Muad´Dib: The Poetry of Frank Herbert (1992) | Cesta k Dune (2005)
Non-fiction - Survival and the Atom (1952) | New World or No World (ed., 1970) | The Soul Catcher (1972) | Treshold: The Blue Angels Experience (1973)
Without Me You Are Nothing: The Essential Guide to Home Computers (1980)